
Yellow Cucumber with Prawns


yellow cucumber   1
prawns                   200gms
red chilies             8
coriander seeds    1tbsp
cumin                    1/2tsp
coconut                 6tbsp
pepper                  5
methi seeds          7
onion                     1
garlic                     4 pods
tamarind               marble sized
turmeric powder      


Peel the cucumber and cut it in small pieces.
Grind the above ingredients into a paste.
Boil the cucumber with salt,then add the cleaned prawns.
Add the masala and let it boil till the raw smell disappears
Add salt and vinegar if needed.
Serve with boiled rice.


Tomato Chutney


chillies red      3
udith  dhal      1tbsp
garlic               4
tomato             2


Fry the udith dhal, garlic and chillies for some time. Add the tomatoes and fry it well. Let it cool and then grind it fine with little water.Serve it with dosas.

Mushroom Rice with Beef Roast


rice                         1/2  cup
corn                        1/4 cup
oyster mushroom  6
chilli flakes or 2 red chillies cut in small pieces
garlic                      4 to 5 pods
onion                      1


Wash the rice and soak in water for around 15 minutes.
Put some oil and fry the garlic ,add the chili flakes and then the onion.
Add the washed and sliced mushroom and fry it a bit
Add the corn and once it is fried.Add the rice
Add hot water double the quantity .
Put salt and keep it on a high flame for five minutes and
then reduce the flame.
Once the water has dried  take it off the gas.


After preparing the beef roast ,any left over can be prepared in the following manner.Lots of onions have to be fried till brown. Fry the remaining slices of beef roast. Fry sliced potatoes ,if you have no potatoes at home fry some sliced cabbage with pepper and salt and mix all this together.This can be used as a side dish with pulao or can be had with chapati.


Banana Bread Pudding


banana              2
white flour       3 tbsp
wheat flour      2tbsp
brown bread    5slices
egg                     1
milk                   1cup
sugar                 1/4cup
salt                    a pinch
instant yeast    a pinch
nutmeg and cinnamon powder

For the rum sauce

heavy cream      5 tbsp
sugar                   3tbsp
butter                  2tbsp
rum                     1tbsp


1. Mash the bananas with a fork.
2.Add the white flour and wheat flour
3.Mix it well with the banana
4.Add the egg and milk and mix it.
5Add sugar and salt.
6.The consistency should be thick.
7.Put it in a mould and steam it
8.After half an hour insert a knife ,if it comes out clean it is done.
9.Turn it on to a plate and cut it in slices and serve each slice with the warm sauce.
10. It's best eaten warm


1.Take a deep bottomed pan
2. Add the sugar, butter and the cream
3.Let the heat be very low
4.As the sugar melts keep stirring and it will thicken
5.Add the rum.
6.Take it off the fire.


Prawn Fry


prawns   10 to 12 big prawns

I added fish masala fry to these prawns. It gives the right flavour. If you don't have this powder you can add
chilli powder            1tsp
turmeric                   1/2 tsp
coriander powder   1tsp
cumin  powder        1/2 tsp
vinegar                    to mix it
maida                      to bind it

curry leaves
green chilli
coriander leaves


Marinate the prawns with the powders with vinegar ,salt ,maida.Keep it for aound 15 minutes.Take some oil in a pan .Add curry leaves and once it fries add the green chilli and as it changes colour add the prawns and let it fry.Cover the pan and let it be there for another 5 mins.As prawns fry very fast we don't have to keep it too long as it will become hard.Finally garnish with corriander leaves. It's yummy with rice and dhal.


Prawn Chilli


prawns              500gms
tomato               1
capsicum           2
onion                  2
curry leaves      1sprig
spring onion      optional
chilly powder    [ 1tsp  ]
turmeric            [ 1tsp   ]
maida                 [  1tbsp ]  Marinate these ing
pepper               [ 1tbsp  ]
cornflour            [ 1tsp    ]
chopped ginger garlic 1tsp each
tomato ketchup
soya sauce


Clean the prawns and devein them. Marinate the prawns with the ingredients within the brackets. Keep it for 15 mins. Fry the prawns with little oil and keep it aside.In the same oil add curry leaves , ginger and garlic fry it ,now add the onion and let it become soft . Add the tomato and fry it for some time.Put the capsicum and spring onion.Add soya sauce and ketchup .Now add the prawns and mix it well. Check for salt and seasoning. Garnish with coriander leaves.

Poha (sweet) Beaten Rice


Poha thick variety  2 cups
red    chillies           2
curry  leaves           1 sprig
udith dhal                1tsp
coconut                   5 tbsp


Wash the poha and let it soak for a few minutes as it should become a bit soft.Take some oil in a deep bottomed pan and add the udith dhal ,red chilli and curry leaves.Once udith dhal has fried a bit into a brown colour and the chillies have turned slightly dark in colour add the poha and mix it well.Now add the sugar and salt according to taste.Add freshly grated coconut.Sweet poha is ready to serve . Have it hot..Very quick and easy breakfast dish.



This is a dish which is prepared in  Karnataka and even a specialty of Kerala. This dish has a sweet side to it as well as a spicy version. I have prepared a spicy version today.


Idli dosa batter
dosa rice     2 cups
udith dhal  1/4 cup
beaten rice  2 handfuls
sugar          2tbsp

onion           1/2
chillies         2
chana dhal  1/2 tbsp
corriander leaves


Soak the rice and dhal for around 5 hours and then grind the rice with the beaten rice to a fine consistency and add the sugar and salt for taste.Keep the rice to ferment for around 7 to 8 hours and once it is fermented take some batter and keep it aside in another bowl .

Fry the chana dhal in little oil till brown and then add the onion and the green chilly .Add the kadipattha and the coriander leaves.Put this into the batter and mix it well, add some grated coconut and let it stand for 5 mins.
Take the pan and put few drops of oil and once it is hot add the batter in the pan and once it is fried on one side turn it to the other side and once it is brown remove it from the pan.


Spicy Chicken


chicken           500gms
onions             4 large
green chillies  4
tomato             1
curd                 4 tbsp
turmeric          1/2 tsp
chili powder   2tsp
garam masala 1 tsp
curry leaves    1 sprig
fennel seed      1/4 tsp
coriander pwd 2tsp
mustard seeds    1/2 tsp
garlic crushed    3tsp
ginger crushed   1tsp


Marinate the chicken with salt, chilli powder and curd. Leave it for around 2 hours.Take some oil and  add the mustard seed and after it crackles put the fennel add the sliced onion let it fry  till it turns brown add the chillies and let it fry for  some time.Now add the garam masala and turmeric powder and the crushed ginger and garlic .Keep frying it for some time till there is a good aroma. Add salt. Now add the coriander powder and curry leaves and keep roasting the chicken with the vessel open .Do not add any water . The chicken will be completely dry and coated.It goes well with rice and chapatis.


Ladies Finger with Prawns



Prawns                    250 gms
Dry Red Chillies     10 to 12
Cumin Seeds           1/4 tsp
Coriander Seeds     1tblsp
Turmeric                 1/2tsp
Onion                      1/2
Garlic                      2 to 3 pods
Tamarind                marble sized ball
Coconut dessicated or fresh  6 tbsp


Grind the above ingredients into a fine paste with little water.Wash the ladies finger well and wipe it dry. Cut it into diagonal pieces and boil it with little water and salt and once it is boiled add the prawns which have been deveined and washed. Give it a good boil and add the ground masala and keep it on for another 5 mins till the raw smell disappears. Check for salt if needed added some vinegar if the tamarind is not enough.Serve with boiled rice.


Ridge Gourd Chutney

 This chutney is made from the peelings of the vegetable.After scraping the ridge gourd use the rough peelings in making a chutney which is very tasty and goes well with akki rotis and dosa.


udith dhal 1tsp
red chillies  2
onion           1
tamarind     small marble sized ball


Put some oil in a pan and put the udith dhal and let it become slightly brown .Add the red chillies and fry it for some time .Now add the onion and the peelings and tamarind and let it fry for 5mins .Take it off the fire and let it cool and grind it coarsely with salt.


Beef roast


roasted beef
beef          500gms preferably fillet

garlic        1pod
pepper      1tblsp
cinnamon  3 small pieces
cloves        4
red chillies  5
onions     3thinly sliced

Trim all the fat from the meat and wash it and keep it in a colander and let the water drain  Once the water has drained marinate the meat for about 2 to 3 hours or overnight with crushed ginger and garlic and freshly coarse ground pepper.

In a cooker put some oil put the cinnamon and cloves and the red chillies and let it fry for a while till the chilies are lightly fried .
Put the marinated meat and let it fry for some time and then close the lid and keep it for 15 mins . It depends on the meat if the meat is very tender you do not need a cooker. If there is any water let it dry.Take 3 onions and fry it brown add the marinade with the chillies and ginger ,garlic. Put the sliced meat and saute it on slow fire .Check for salt and pepper.Serve it with baked or mashed potato



Mangalore Sannas

Idli or dosa rice 2 cups
udith dhal 1/4 cup
cooked boiled rice 2 cups

Soak the  udith dhal and the rice for around 5 hours. Grind the udith dhal first and remove it from the mixie and then grind the rice with the boiled rice.Add sugar and salt.Keep the consistency thick and keep it overnight. In the morning the batter is ready for making sannas.Steam the batter in the idli containers applying a little oil for the moulds. Steam  for around 15mins. Remove it and allow it to cool . Serve it with chutney or it can be also had with chicken curry.

Onion Chutney


onion            1
green chilly  2
udith dhal    1tsp
tamarind      a small marble sized ball.

Put some oil in a pan and when it is hot put the udith dhal and let it become brown .Add the onion which has been sliced finely and the green chilly and the tamarind and let it fry for some time till the onion turns slightly brown.Once it has become brown keep it down and let it cool.Grind it with salt and little water.

Black Pompret with Green Masala


black pompret   2 medium
Green chilly      8
corriander leaves  a hand full
ginger               an inch
garlic                 4 to 5 cloves
pepper               7
jeera                  1tsp
onion                 1 medium
coconut             2tblsp
tamarind            marble sized ball
turmeric            1/2 tsp


onion 1
tomato 1


Clean and wash the fish. Put some salt and turmeric and keep it for some time.
Grind all the above ingredients into a fine paste with little water.
Put some oil in a deep bottom pan and fry an onion till lightly brown.
Now add the ground masala and fry it till there is a good aroma .Prepare the gravy
according to the consistency required .Add the cut tomato and the fish and let it simmer for some time.Keep it down from the fire .Serve it with boiled rice.


Pineapple upside down cake


white flour  250gms
sugar           200gms
butter          100gms
eggs              3
baking pwd  1tsp
milk              1cup
pinapple tin 1


Preheat oven to 160 degrees
First caramelize 4tablespoon sugar in a thick bottomed pan.Once it changes colour and becomes dark brown add two tablespoon butter mix it and take it off the fire and pour it in a baking tray and spread it all round the tray.
Mix refined flour and baking powder and sift together.Cream the butter and powdered sugar until soft and stiff .Beat the eggs and gradually add it to the butter mixture with the flour and mix it lightly.Add the milk and mix it .Pour the batter over the pineapple slices.Bake in a preheated oven for 45 mins .To check whether the cake is done insert a skewer or a knife.If it comes out clean then the cake is done.Remove from the cake tin. The side with the pineapple slices will be on top.Cool cut into slices and serve.


Gajar halwa


carrots   medium size 8
raisins                 2tblsp
cashewnuts         8-10
pure ghee            1/4cup
milk                     1cup
green cardamon powder 1cup
khoya                   1cup
sugar                    1cup


Wash,peel and grate the carrots. Wash and pat dry raisins.Chop the cashew nuts .Heat pure gheee in a thick bottomed pan,add grated carots and saute for five minutes. Add milk,green cardamon powder and cook on medium heat for five to six minutes or until the milk evaporates and the carrots are cooked.
Stir in the khoya and sugar and cook for two to three minutes or till the sugar melts and mixes well,stirring continously.
Add raisins and cashewnuts and continue to cook for two minutes more and serve hot at room temperature.



Stuffed snake gourd with mince meat

mince meat 500gms
onions         3
tomatoes     4
garlic          4 to 5 cloves
ginger         an inch
garam masala  powder
chilli powder     
cumin powder
turmeric powder
vinegar         a tsp
tomatoe ketchup  a tblsp


When buying the snake gourd be sure to buy tender ones as it will be tasty and cooks faster.
Lightly scrape the snake gourd and wash it well.  If the snake gourd is too long cut it into half and boil it for 5 mins .Remove it from the boiling water after 5mins and let it cool.Now we can prepare the mince mixture for the filling.

Chop th onions finely and add oil to the pan and fry it till it becomes lightly brown ,add the ginger and garlic  let it fry .Now add all the powders and let it give out a nice aroma while frying . Add the tomatoes and see that they are well mashed with the onions .Now add the mince meat which has been washed and the water should be drained. Let it boil well. Add some salt , vinegar , tomato ketchup.After it is well boiled take it off the fire and let it cool down as it has to be used for the filling.

After the meat is cooled down a bit stuff it into the snake gourd and to seal the edges take some chana flour and water and make it into a thick paste and seal it.
Take some oil in a shallow frying pan and fry it till it gets a light brown colour. You can have it with chapatis or it can be served as a side dish with dhal and rice.


Bhendi fry (Ladies finger)

  (bhendi) 500gm
asafoetida   a pinch
cumin seds   1/2 tsp
onion medium   1
chilli powder  1/2 tsp
corriander powder 1/2 tsp
garam masala powder 1/2tsp
amchur powder    (dried mango powder) 1/4tsp
corriander leaves 2tblsp

Wash the bhendi well and wipe it with a towel. Cut the bhendi in lond 1/2 inch diagonal pieces.
Heat the oil in a kadai, add the asafoetida and cumin seeds when they begin to change colour ,add the onion.Saute till light brown.Add the bhendi and cook,stirring continously over low heat till lightly browned.
sprinkle the salt,shilli powder,corriander powder,garam masala powder and amchur over the bhendi and toss well.Cook for one minute longer.Serve immediately,garnished with corriander leaves.

Banana Fritters

bananas 2

Mash the banans well with a fork and then add the maida slowly add some sugar and salt and keep the consisency thick .Add a table spoon of curd .Take a kadai and add oil once it is hot add a tablespoon of this batter in the hot oil. Keep it on slow fire .Once it is fried on one side turn it.Let it become light brown in colour.It can be fried and kept in a box and eaten the next day but it is best when it is hot.A nice tea time snack .

Sardine gravy

This is called in konkani " Vour Pondha" Oozo .This is made in a clay pot and on top they cover it and  live coals are put on top so it is cooked from top and bottom.Since we cannot do it like this it can be done in the cooker.

10  mackerals or sardines
chillies  20
jeera      1/2 tsp
turmeric  1/2 tsp
ginger     an inch
pepper corns  4 to 5
tomato   1

Grind all the above ingredients adding little vinegar .Take around 4 big onions and cut it into rounds  2 green chillies and 1pod of garlic .In the cooker add some oil and fry the onions and once it  softens add the chillies and garlic .Let it fry for some time , now add the ground masala and keep frying it . Add some water after washing the mixer, and keep the consistency medium. Now add 3 big tomatoes cut in rounds and add some salt . Let it boil for some time check for salt and sournes. It should be spicy and sour . Now add the fish and close the cooker and keep it for 15mins .After 15mins open the cooker and check for salt and vinegar.Serve hot with boiled rice.


Button mushrooms with cashew paste and yogurt

Fresh button mushroom  600 gms.
corriander leaves chopped  1cup
cardamoms green    5
cloves                      5
cinnamon                 1 inch stick
bay leaf                    1
mace                         a pinch
boiled onion paste   2/3 cup
ginger paste             4tsp
garlic  paste             4tsp
green chillies           4
red chilli powder     1tsp
corriander powder    1/2 tsp
yoghurt                     11/2 cup
cashew nut paste       3tblsp
ginger cut in thin strips  11/2inch

Blanch the mushrooms in hot water for two minutes. Drain.
Heat the oil in a kadai, add the green cardamom ,cloves ,cinnamon,bay leaf and mace and saute over medium heat till fragrant.
Add the boikled onion past and saute for two to three minutes. Add the ginger and garlic past and continue to saute for a while. Add the green chillies and saute for half a minute.
Add the chilli powder and corriander powder and stir for half a minute.
Remove from heat and stir in the yogurt and salt. Return the pan to the heat. Add around three-fourth cup of water and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer for two to three minutes.
Add the mushroom and three-fourth cup of corriander leaves and simmer for two or three minutes. Transfer to a serving dish and garnish with remaining corriander leaves and giniger strips.
Serve hot with steamed rice or rotis.   

Mixed vegetable gravy

Vegetables of your choice preferably 1 potato,1 green capsicum, 2carrots, a hand full of green peas,  1onion, a few florets of cauliflower.


Onion 1
Jeera  a pinch
chilly powder.  1tsp
cashew nuts    10
tomato           2
ginger         1 inch
garlic           4 pods
corriander leaves  handfull


Take some oil in a vessel and once the oil is hot add some cumin and once it changes colour add the onion.Saute it  add the potato, carrot, green peas , cauliflower and capsicum. Keep tossing it for sometime till the vegetables are cooked. Sprinkle some salt .

In another pan fry one onion, add the ginger and garlic and keep frying add the cashew nuts and tomatoes.Let it fry well. Once it is fried remove it from the fire and let it cool. Grind this to a fine paste with chilly powder and  add it to the vegetables. Add some water depending on the consistency you require.Add some salt and cover it for some time .Add some lemon juice and finally garnish it with corriandr leaves.Serve hot with rotis.


Masala Dosa

Masala Dosa

Boiled rice  2 cups          
Udith dhal   1/4 cup
methi           6 to 7
beaten rice   2 handfuls

Potato bhaji
Potato     3 medium size
Onion      1 "
Green chillies 3
Ginger             1inch
chana dhal
Red chutney for the dosa
Red chillies     10
Chana dhal     a fistful( roasted)
Onion                 1
Garlic                 4 flakes
Tamarind           small cherry size ball
Roast the long red chillies on a hot tawa with a little oil. Grind the chillies along with other ingredientsto a smooth paste using little water.

Green chutney.

coconut grated   6tablespoons
chana dhal          3 heaped tablespoons
tamarind             llittle
green chillies      3
garlic                  2 pods

grind this with very little water. Taste and adjust the salt.


Wash the rice well and soak it with plenty of water. Add methi seeds to the soaked rice and add the udith dhal and let it soak for 3 to 4 hours. After the rice is soaked grind the rice it shoud be a thick consistency. Add salt and little sugar to the batter. You can omit the sugar if you want. Once the batter is ready keep it for fermentation for 3 to 4 hours.

After fermentation use a thick pan used to fry dosa. Let the pan become really hot and add a ladle full of batter spread it in a circular motion and make it as fine as possible.Once fried put the red chutney on the dosa and sprinke some ghee and then put the potatoe bhaji and fold it.Serve it with sambhar and green chutney.


Carrot cake

Butter 250 gms
Maida 500 gms
Eggs    4
Sugar   250 gms
Baking powder 2tsp
Carrot  grated    4medium sized
Walnuts    handful
Raisins     handful
Condensed milk  1/4 cup
Evaporated milk 1 tin
Oven temperature 160 degrees for 45 mins

Grease a baking tray and mix the butter with the sugar and let it become light and creamy.Add the eggs slowly with the maida which has been mixed with the baking powder. Slowly keep mixing it with the beater .Once all the maida is used and the batter is mixed well, add the condensed milk and t evaporated milk and once again mix it ,now you can use a wooden spoon.Now add the carrot which has been grated.Finally add the walnuts and the raisins and mix it well but slowly.Pour it in a baking tray and bake it for 45 mins.


Fish Biryani

Fish biryani can be made with Surmai (king fish) or Black pomfret .

Wash the fish . Make a paste with cumin powder, chilly powder , turmeric ,salt and vinegar.Marinate the fish with this paste for an hour then fry it and keep it aside .

Fish  500gms
Basmati rice 500gs
Onions     5
Capsicum 2
Cinnamon 2 small pieces
Cloves       4
Cardamom  4
Chilly powder 1tsp
Curry powder or Mehran masala powder  2tblsp
Tomatoes   5
Potatoes      3

Take oil in a wide pan once it is hot  add the finely chopped onions and keep sauteing it , add the capsicum and fry it along with the onions . Once it softens a bit add the chilli powder and the masala powder.Add salt. Let it fry for sometime till the raw smell disappears. Add the tomatoes which have been cut into rounds and lightly fry it along with the masala.A little water can be added for extra gravy, Check for salt and add the fish very slowly and put this masala from the pan over the fish and cover it for a few minutes.Once the masala and fish is mixed well remove the pan from the fire.
Now fry the potatoes which have been cut in round slices and add some salt .

In another vessel take some oil and add the cinnamon,cloves and cardamom. Then add the rice which has been washed .Add double the quantity of water and add salt .Once it is boiled make the layers with the rice and the fish masala and the potatoes and keep it on slow fire with a tava underneath  .After 15mins switch off the gas and let it stand for another 15 mins. Serve the fish biryani with raita (curd and cucumber salad).

Baby Potatoes with Groundnuts and Sesame

Baby potatoes  750 gms
Sesame seeds   1tbls
ground nuts      2tbls coarsely crushed
Cumin seeds     1tsp
green chillies    4
ginger                1inch
garlic paste        1tblsp
roasted cumin powder 1tsp
chilli powder       1tsp
grated coconut     11/2 tblsp
garam masala powder 1tsp
lemon juice          2tsp
corriander leaves  2tblsp

1. Parboil the unpeeled potatoes in salted water and set aside.

2.Heat the oil in a kadai and add the cumin,green chillies and ginger. When the seeds begin to   
    change colour,add the garlic paste and saute for two or three minutes.Add the potatoes and toss

3. Add the sesame seeds,peanuts,roasted cumin powder,coconut and garam masala powder.Adjust salt.

4.Continue to cook for five minutes,tossing continously. Stir in the lemon juice.

5. Serve hot,garnished with corriander leaves.

Chicken stir fried veggies

This dish is very simple and can be prepared within a few minutes. If you are expecting guests and wondering what to prepare try your ha...