
Ridge Gourd Chutney

 This chutney is made from the peelings of the vegetable.After scraping the ridge gourd use the rough peelings in making a chutney which is very tasty and goes well with akki rotis and dosa.


udith dhal 1tsp
red chillies  2
onion           1
tamarind     small marble sized ball


Put some oil in a pan and put the udith dhal and let it become slightly brown .Add the red chillies and fry it for some time .Now add the onion and the peelings and tamarind and let it fry for 5mins .Take it off the fire and let it cool and grind it coarsely with salt.


Beef roast


roasted beef
beef          500gms preferably fillet

garlic        1pod
pepper      1tblsp
cinnamon  3 small pieces
cloves        4
red chillies  5
onions     3thinly sliced

Trim all the fat from the meat and wash it and keep it in a colander and let the water drain  Once the water has drained marinate the meat for about 2 to 3 hours or overnight with crushed ginger and garlic and freshly coarse ground pepper.

In a cooker put some oil put the cinnamon and cloves and the red chillies and let it fry for a while till the chilies are lightly fried .
Put the marinated meat and let it fry for some time and then close the lid and keep it for 15 mins . It depends on the meat if the meat is very tender you do not need a cooker. If there is any water let it dry.Take 3 onions and fry it brown add the marinade with the chillies and ginger ,garlic. Put the sliced meat and saute it on slow fire .Check for salt and pepper.Serve it with baked or mashed potato



Mangalore Sannas

Idli or dosa rice 2 cups
udith dhal 1/4 cup
cooked boiled rice 2 cups

Soak the  udith dhal and the rice for around 5 hours. Grind the udith dhal first and remove it from the mixie and then grind the rice with the boiled rice.Add sugar and salt.Keep the consistency thick and keep it overnight. In the morning the batter is ready for making sannas.Steam the batter in the idli containers applying a little oil for the moulds. Steam  for around 15mins. Remove it and allow it to cool . Serve it with chutney or it can be also had with chicken curry.

Onion Chutney


onion            1
green chilly  2
udith dhal    1tsp
tamarind      a small marble sized ball.

Put some oil in a pan and when it is hot put the udith dhal and let it become brown .Add the onion which has been sliced finely and the green chilly and the tamarind and let it fry for some time till the onion turns slightly brown.Once it has become brown keep it down and let it cool.Grind it with salt and little water.

Black Pompret with Green Masala


black pompret   2 medium
Green chilly      8
corriander leaves  a hand full
ginger               an inch
garlic                 4 to 5 cloves
pepper               7
jeera                  1tsp
onion                 1 medium
coconut             2tblsp
tamarind            marble sized ball
turmeric            1/2 tsp


onion 1
tomato 1


Clean and wash the fish. Put some salt and turmeric and keep it for some time.
Grind all the above ingredients into a fine paste with little water.
Put some oil in a deep bottom pan and fry an onion till lightly brown.
Now add the ground masala and fry it till there is a good aroma .Prepare the gravy
according to the consistency required .Add the cut tomato and the fish and let it simmer for some time.Keep it down from the fire .Serve it with boiled rice.


Pineapple upside down cake


white flour  250gms
sugar           200gms
butter          100gms
eggs              3
baking pwd  1tsp
milk              1cup
pinapple tin 1


Preheat oven to 160 degrees
First caramelize 4tablespoon sugar in a thick bottomed pan.Once it changes colour and becomes dark brown add two tablespoon butter mix it and take it off the fire and pour it in a baking tray and spread it all round the tray.
Mix refined flour and baking powder and sift together.Cream the butter and powdered sugar until soft and stiff .Beat the eggs and gradually add it to the butter mixture with the flour and mix it lightly.Add the milk and mix it .Pour the batter over the pineapple slices.Bake in a preheated oven for 45 mins .To check whether the cake is done insert a skewer or a knife.If it comes out clean then the cake is done.Remove from the cake tin. The side with the pineapple slices will be on top.Cool cut into slices and serve.


Gajar halwa


carrots   medium size 8
raisins                 2tblsp
cashewnuts         8-10
pure ghee            1/4cup
milk                     1cup
green cardamon powder 1cup
khoya                   1cup
sugar                    1cup


Wash,peel and grate the carrots. Wash and pat dry raisins.Chop the cashew nuts .Heat pure gheee in a thick bottomed pan,add grated carots and saute for five minutes. Add milk,green cardamon powder and cook on medium heat for five to six minutes or until the milk evaporates and the carrots are cooked.
Stir in the khoya and sugar and cook for two to three minutes or till the sugar melts and mixes well,stirring continously.
Add raisins and cashewnuts and continue to cook for two minutes more and serve hot at room temperature.



Stuffed snake gourd with mince meat

mince meat 500gms
onions         3
tomatoes     4
garlic          4 to 5 cloves
ginger         an inch
garam masala  powder
chilli powder     
cumin powder
turmeric powder
vinegar         a tsp
tomatoe ketchup  a tblsp


When buying the snake gourd be sure to buy tender ones as it will be tasty and cooks faster.
Lightly scrape the snake gourd and wash it well.  If the snake gourd is too long cut it into half and boil it for 5 mins .Remove it from the boiling water after 5mins and let it cool.Now we can prepare the mince mixture for the filling.

Chop th onions finely and add oil to the pan and fry it till it becomes lightly brown ,add the ginger and garlic  let it fry .Now add all the powders and let it give out a nice aroma while frying . Add the tomatoes and see that they are well mashed with the onions .Now add the mince meat which has been washed and the water should be drained. Let it boil well. Add some salt , vinegar , tomato ketchup.After it is well boiled take it off the fire and let it cool down as it has to be used for the filling.

After the meat is cooled down a bit stuff it into the snake gourd and to seal the edges take some chana flour and water and make it into a thick paste and seal it.
Take some oil in a shallow frying pan and fry it till it gets a light brown colour. You can have it with chapatis or it can be served as a side dish with dhal and rice.

Chicken stir fried veggies

This dish is very simple and can be prepared within a few minutes. If you are expecting guests and wondering what to prepare try your ha...