


Raw rice  2 glass
Jaggery  according to taste
coconut milk  1/2 coconut
boiled rice  1 glass washed  dried and powdered
cardamon  5 -6 pods

First soak the raw rice for 2 hours and grind it along with the jaggery using the coconut milk and cardamon , salt. The batter shoud be thick . Once it is ground add the boiled rice powder and knead it into a dough ,incase it is not hard enough to form into marbles steam it for some time till it is hard enough to form small marbles . After forming the marbles fry it in hot oil on a very slow flame till it gets a brown colour. 


Wheat Ladoos


Wheat 2 cups
Sugar  1 1/2 cup
Ghee 3/4 cup.


Take a kadai and fry the maida on slow fire till the raw smell disappears. Then take it down from the fire and add the sugar which has been powdered and pour the ghee which has been slightly heated up. Mix it up it will be hot so be careful and now form the ladoos ,press it tightly in your palm.You will get around 15 ladoos.



Maida 1/2 kg
Coconut milk 1/2
Egs 3
Nutmeg little
Salt and Sugar according to your taste.


Grate the coconut. Remove thick juice and then mix the maida into it very slowly. Beat the eggs separately and add it to the maida batter. Add the sugar and salt and keep mixing and see that there are no lumps.Add little nutmeg. Keep the batter thick as the dosa batter.Dip the mould in hot oil then dip it slowly in the batter, the batter should not come on top of the mould Now dip it in the hot oil and fry it till it is lightly brown.The kokisan will fall down keep shaking the mould . The first two will be a bit difficult .Be patient and you will have the best kokisan ever.

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