
Mutton Chops


Mutton 1/2 kg
Onions 4 to 5 medium
Ginger  small piece
Garlic  5 Pods
Baffat Powder 2 tblsp
Tomatoes 5
Green chilly  2
Cloves and cinnamon
Salt to taste
One small bunch of corriander leaves


In a kadai take little oil. Once it is hot, add the cinnamon and cloves.Now add the ginger and garlic which has been chopped fine. Then add the onions fry it well, put the tomatoes and let it get fried well and form a paste. Now add the baffat powder, let it fry well till the raw smell dissapears. Add the green chilles.
Now add the meat which has been cleaned and washed.Add the salt. Let it boil well. It may take 45minutes if you bring tender meat.
Garnish it with corriander leaves.

1 comment:

  1. As I dont have easy access to buy Baffat Powder , can you please give details how to make it? Or can I use an alternate?



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